On Purpose: 6 Ways to be a Great Friend & Build Meaningful Relationships

Today, I am going to share with you different ways to strengthen your friendships. Becoming a good friend requires several key qualities such as trustworthiness, loyalty, and communication. Building relationships is always a pursuit in life, and learning how to strengthen every friendship you have can lead to having a better 2023 and becoming more connected to the people around you.

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A Bit of Optimism: Extreme Listening with Deeyah Khan

Extreme listening are two words that don’t usually go together, but there is no other way to describe what Deeyah Khan does. A Muslim woman, she made a documentary, White Right: Meeting the Enemy, about spending time with white supremacists. Her results were so profound, it raises the question…what if we all had the capacity for extreme listening?

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Change Your Mindset, Change the Game - Dr. Alia Crum

Dr. Crum says the biggest game changer is “YOU, by harnessing the power of your mind." She explores scientific results that show the influence of the mindset on the body, and how changing the subjective mindset produced different outcomes. Dr. Crum's work is inspired in part by the placebo effect, and has implications that stretch far beyond the realm of medicine.

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Think Again - Adam Grant

Think Again reveals that we don’t have to believe everything we think or internalize everything we feel. It’s an invitation to let go of views that are no longer serving us well and prize mental flexibility, humility, and curiosity over foolish consistency. If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom.

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