CUYLM Launches Student Bursary Video Contest
Credit Union Young Leaders of Manitoba (CUYLM) is proud to officially launch the very first Manitoba Credit Union Student Bursary Contest! The purpose of the contest is to support post-secondary students who are credit union members by offering a chance to win a bursary for school, and improve the visibility of Manitoba credit unions to students (members and prospective members).
How It Works:
Students are asked to create and share a brief video (30-60 seconds) explaining what they love about credit unions, and how a $500 bursary would make a difference for them. Up to 10 bursaries of $500 each will be awarded! The contest is open until February 28, 2020.
Find Out More:
The full details, including instructions and contest rules, can be found on the contest webpage, on
Spread the Word:
Manitoba Credit Unions are encouraged to spread the word about this contest. Here's how you can get involved:
Familiarize yourself with the contest and spread the word to students in your branch or in your wider circle of influence.
Download this poster and post it in your branches/offices/member areas.
Share promotional content for the contest on social media. Click on your preferred platform to download the content: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
Display a promotional banner on your credit union's website. If you would like a banner in a custom size, please let us know.
Download a banner: 960x300 | 1200x430Use our contest hashtag, #culearn2020 If you have any questions that aren't addressed on the contest website, please email CUYLM (