Ignite 2015 CUYLM Conference
Thank you so much to all of you who attended the 2015 Ignite conference and for taking the time to complete the post conference survey. We CUYLM take your feedback and recommendations into consideration when planning events or preparing communications so thank you!
Your stand-out “favourite” take-away/activities from the conference:
4D-I Assessments
Re-framing/keeping positive outlook
Networking & Collaborating
Solutions Box- Working through leadership challenges with advice from peers
Here are some of the things you said…
“CUYLM made me proud to be a part of the MB Credit Union System”
“I made lots of new contacts”
“Lots of positive thinking and positive attitudes”
Thoughts for Young Leaders – Presented at Ignite 2015 CUYLM Conference by Garth Manness, CEO of Credit Union Central of Manitoba:
Learn the business
Make sure you understand the drivers
Ask questions
Seek first to understand – then to be understood
Challenge what sets co-operatives apart
Don’t let others create your perspective
Let your energy infect
Respect/positivity/energy/passion and hard work
Identify problems – but offer solutions