CUYLM 2013 Conference Recap
Credit Union Young Leaders of Manitoba held our inaugural conference in Winnipeg, MB on November 26 & 27, 2013. During the intensive two days, we had the opportunity to meet many other young leaders with the assistance of David Gouthro, the host of the event.
Bob Lafond spoke on behalf of CUCM and he gave us the opportunity to recommend changes to current and anticipated challenges facing the MB credit union system. The CUYLM committee will be presenting at the CUCM systems meeting on May 14, 2014.
Terry Brock presented on opportunities to leverage social media to build essential member relationships in the digital age.
CUYLM along with Terry Brock and David Gouthro hosted pre and post webinars on utilizing technology. Also a panel of leaders shared with us their experiences and the importance of developing young leaders in the credit union system.
We thank our sponsors and all our attendees for the success of our inaugural conference and we look forward to planning our 2015 conference so we can further develop and strengthen our young leaders.